Translated PUNJ SURAH by Taj Company


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Weight0.15 kg
Dimensions7.5 × 10 in



Local (Low)



Taj Company’s Translated Punj Surah is a bold font compilation emphasizes the numerous benefits, rewards, and virtues of reciting five specific Quranic chapters (surahs). Yaseen, Rehman, Waqia, Malik, Muzammil, Fateh, and the four brief chapters known as Char Qul are among these surahs.
This exquisite book features the following

Major Surahs:
• Surah Al-Kahf
• Surah Yaseen
• Surah Al-Rahman
• Surah Al-Waqiah
* Surah Al-Mulk
• Surah Al-Muzamil
Char o Qul:
• Surah Al-Kafiron
• Surah Al-Ikhlas
• Surah Al-Falak
• Surah Al-Nas
• Ayat ul Kursi
• Ehad Nama


Clear and easy-to-read text on Local quality A grade paper with soft card pin binding makes it economical.

Punj Surahs are mostly used for the distribution for Aisal-e-Sawab name printing in the form of pairs, to distribute among the people to recite on different occasions like Death of someone, Qul, Chehlum/Chaliswan, Khatam, etc. to provide sawab for the passed souls (rooh) to the Allah Almighty, to make their afterlife easy and to pray for them for the Heaven/Jannah.

The Punj surta/sura has unique locations in Islamic tradition, and individuals who recite them are said to get various spiritual gifts and blessings. The compilation’s goal is to inspire people to recite these surahs on a daily basis, allowing them to feel the tremendous spiritual advantages they provide.

This Translated PUNJ SURAH edition by Taj Company is best for the Olders (Buzurg) in our Surah Category.